Ways to Manage Pain During Your Laser Tattoo Removal

Let’s face it, laser tattoo removal can be a painful process. The discomfort you experience will depend both on the placement of the tattoo being removed and your individual tolerance. But not to worry, there are ways to minimize it!

In this article, we explore some of the most commonly used numbing and pain management tools used during a laser tattoo removal treatment at our tattoo removal clinics

Skin Cooling Technology

One of the best and most effective ways to minimize pain is by choosing a tattoo removal clinic that employs the Zimmer Cryo skin cooling technology. This device is able to cool the skin before, during and after treatment without interfering with the power of the laser beam. It does this by blowing out freezing cold air (at a temperature of -30⁰ C) through an easily positionable hose. The cool air is harmless to the skin but lessens the intensity of the laser over your unwanted tattoo.

Numbing Creams

Numbing creams are not very effective due to the fact they will only numb the top layer of your skin and do not concentrate deep enough. The pain you experience from a tattoo removal laser is happening when the ink is shattering below the skin, and numbing creams aren’t able to go this deep. Some patients like to use them, if for nothing else, as a placebo effect.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relief

About 30 to 45 minutes before your treatment, take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen calm your actual nerve endings, making the sensations less intense from the laser. This should be used in conjunction with a skin-numbing method as administered by your removal technician.

Ice Packs

Gel ice packs can numb the area but they can only be applied before and after treatment – not during the treatment when you need it most.  However, ice packs work well for reducing pain and swelling at home after treatment has ended. As part of your post-session care, apply one for 5-10 minutes over the bandaged area for relief.

Don’t let the fear of pain scare you away from getting your unwanted tattoo removed. At EradiTatt, we want to make your experience as quick and painless as possible – which is why we use the Zimmer Cryo to manage discomfort for all of our clients. With these tools, you can breathe a sigh of relief and know that you’re in good hands for your treatment.

EradiTatt can help remove any of your unwanted tattoos. Send us a photo of the tattoo or come in for a free consultation. No matter the tattoo, #WeCanHelpWithTatt.


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