All You Need to Know About Laser Tattoo Removal in Summer

When the temperature rises, it’s time to get outdoors. Many people see summertime as the perfect opportunity to take a beach vacation, have barbecues and picnics, go on a hike, lay by a pool, and generally soak up some sun. However, it’s important to be aware of how much sun you’re getting. Healthy sun exposure is even more critical if you’re in the process of doing laser tattoo removal.

How Does Sun Exposure Affect Laser Tattoo Removal?

Let’s first talk about Tattoo inks contain substances that make your tattoo permanent. Once a needle deposits that ink in your skin, your white blood cells will try to get rid of them. Because there are so many ink particles that are larger than your white blood cells, they can’t be removed completely. That’s why tattoos fade over time, but they are still permanent. In order to fully erase a tattoo, you need laser treatments to break up the ink particles.

Lasers use speed and energy to break the ink particles in your skin apart. These little fragments of ink particles are then broken down by your immune system. When your immune system is healthy and strong, the healing process will be that much quicker.

Now, if you expose your tattoo to the sun right before your tattoo removal sessions, you’re risking issues. The UV rays from the sun can stimulate the production of vitamin D and melanin (which is responsible for making you tan.) The area of your skin that’s being treated can become lightened or discolored during laser treatment because of the extra vitamin D and melanin. And the laser energy may have to work even harder to break up the ink under your skin’s surface – meaning more sessions and a longer process overall.

Does that mean it’s okay to soak up the sun after treatments? Not really. Your skin will be tender and sensitive to sun exposure.  Getting too much sun can cause blistering, and you are at risk for hypo/hyper-pigmentation.  For the best results, try to stay out of the sun or cover your tattoo up as much as possible before and after laser treatments.

Does Sun Exposure Include Tanning?

If you can’t get a glowing tan outdoors before and after treatments, does that mean tanning or fake tanning is okay? Nope. It’s best to stay away from both before and after doing laser tattoo removal.

Tanning beds mimic UV light from the sun in order to tan your skin. And even though fake tanning products don’t expose you to UV rays, they can still complicate laser removal treatments. The lasers have to work that much harder to deal with materials in fake tan products. Plus, some fake tan products have ingredients that can react badly to lasers, causing irregular pigmentation in your skin. To lessen the risk of complications, avoid tanning in any form.

Staying Away from the Water is also a Must

We know it’s tempting to beat the summer heat by going for a swim. However, it’s best not to submerge your tattoo in water when doing laser removal, just like you shouldn’t go swimming after getting a fresh tattoo. In both cases, think of your tattooed area like an open wound. When you go swimming in oceans or pools, or if you soak in a bubble bath every night, you risk infection. No matter how clean the water is, there are bacteria that can enter your body more easily and cause major problems. So, it’s best to wait on water activities about 72 hours after treatment.

Laser Tattoo Removal at EradiTatt

Laser tattoo removal is a lengthy process with permanent results. When permanently changing your skin, it makes sense to choose the best laser removal option available. EradiTatt is the first tattoo removal company in Central and South Florida to use an innovative laser system. It’s faster, gentler on the surrounding skin, and versatile enough to treat all kinds of tattoos. Learn more about what sets EradiTatt apart.


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