How Much Will My Laser Tattoo Removal Cost, and Why?

If you’ve been researching laser tattoo removal, then you know that estimating the price of tattoo removal is not an easy process. In fact, there’s a lot of intricacies that make laser tattoo removal a challenging procedure. Between the number of sessions that cut into your day every few weeks, the pain associated with the laser hitting the ink, and the financial investment, there are several ways laser tattoo removal can be highly inconvenient. While most clients of EradiTatt require between 5-8 sessions for complete removal, there are extenuating circumstances that could increase the number of sessions required.

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What ultimately makes the process of laser tattoo removal so expensive? We’ve broken it down for you so that when you visit our Florida offices to remove your tattoo, you’ll be well informed about the dynamics behind laser tattoo removal cost.

1. Color and Ink Quality

As we’ve written in previous blog posts, tattoos, where the artist used blue or green inks, are generally the hardest to remove and take more sessions than a black ink tattoo.

The laser in the Piqo4 has wavelengths that target different color inks, but these wavelengths are not as effective on blue and green inks.

Also, the quality of the ink, black, color, or a variety, will also affect the number of sessions you need. Professional, costly tattoos will take far longer to remove than amateur tattoos with lower quality ink because the work hasn’t been laid into the skin as deeply, and the particles are more easily broken up with the PiQo4 laser.

2. Age of Your Tattoo

Much like with tattoo ink quality, tattoo age will also affect the number of sessions required for total laser tattoo removal. Tattoos that are 10 years or older are affected more by the laser than fresh tattoos that may be only a few months or years old. This makes the age of a tattoo an important piece of tattoo removal cost.

3. Size of Your Tattoo

Part of the pricing model at EradiTatt is the size of the tattoo. We can remove tattoos of any size, but the amount of time under the laser increases with the size of the tattoo. You can see a full pricing sheet on our website, but the general measurement is that anything X-Small (under the size of a quarter) is $100 per session. The laser tattoo removal price increases by appx. $50 as you increase the level of surface area, with the largest tattoos taking up to $500 per session to remove.

4. Its Location on Your Body

The human body is an amazing thing: when the PiQo4 laser begins to break up the ink in your tattoo, the white blood cells of the body carry the ink away and clear it out, via your liver. Because of that, your body heavily relies on its biology for the latter half of the laser tattoo removal process.

The location of the tattoo on your body, therefore, can have a direct effect on the cost of tattoo removal, and how effective the laser tattoo removal process is. Some areas might carry away the ink particles quickly, and in larger chunks, while other areas, like the fingers, toes, and ears, with less circulation, will require several treatments to see the same effect.

Payment Plans for Tattoo Removal

At EradiTatt, you can purchase several sessions as part of a package, and save money on your laser tattoo removal costs. Again, this depends on the size, location, age, and color of the tattoo, but savings on our smallest sessions start at about 15% off when you buy a package of 4.

Of course, it’s impossible to know how many laser tattoo removal sessions you will need without seeing the art, which is why we offer FREE Consultations at all of our Florida locations; Tampa, Bradenton/Sarasota, Palm Harbor, and Clearwater. This free consultation is the perfect opportunity to determine your tattoo removal cost and schedule your first session.


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