The Risks of “Alternative” Tattoo Removal

At EradiTatt we understand the decision to get tattoo removal is not made easily. We also understand if you’re considering having a tattoo removed, you have probably seen ‘alternative’ methods of removing tattoos that seem more cost-effective. However, you should know the risks that accompany these alternatives. It’s not uncommon for EradiTatt customers to show us a part of their skin that has damage from trying an alternate method for tattoo removal. Read on to learn more about the dangers with non-laser tattoo removal methods.

Risks of Tattoo Removal Cream

While looking for tattoo removal options you may come across creams that claim to achieve tattoo removal. And for a reasonable cost!

You should know that any of these creams likely contains bleach or acid, which are chemicals that should only be used by professionals.

Some of the side effects of applying creams to your skin could include scars, peeling or itchy skin, and possibly pigmentation issues and chemical scarring.

You should know that tattoo ink resides in the dermis layer of your skin. Creams and lotions are unable to reach that layer of skin.

Risks with Surgical Tattoo Removal

We realize that, in order to decide on tattoo removal, you’ve given this a lot of thought and consideration. When you decide you no longer want a tattoo the prospect of actually cutting it out could be tempting. Unfortunately, this is not a wise decision. A surgeon is not able to cut into the skin deep enough to remove all of the tattoo ink. Surgery of this kind would also leave considerable scarring, which could hinder a future tattoo in the same spot.

Risks of Tattoo Removal with Dermabrasion

Exfoliating skin through a process like Dermabrasion can compare to using sandpaper. The idea behind it is to basically sand the skin down using a special brush. This method succeeds in reaching the dermis layer of the skin, after removing the top layer of the skin.

Similar to laser removal, Dermabrasion is a technique that requires multiple treatment sessions, although in the interim the skin is often raw and could be vulnerable to infections. The end results typically leave significant scarring. It is just as, if not more painful, than laser tattoo removal.

Tattoo Removal with Acid Peels

There are a variety of peels that claim to remove tattoos, including glycolic acid peels, TCA peels, and acid injections. These methods ‘work’ by dissolving several layers of skin, similar to the way tattoo removal creams claim to work. Because a variety of these products are available online, you are without the guidance of a professional. Unfortunately, permanent scars and chemical burns can be the result of trying these methods at home.

Tattoo Removal with Saline Injections

This method involves tattooing saline into the area surrounding the tattoo and ‘should’ cause the existing tattoo to fade. While there have been some success stories around this tattoo removal method, the caveat is that this saline solution can only be used on older tattoos, and still does not completely remove the tattoo. Causing the ink to fade may be the end goal of someone looking to have a larger tattoo cover-up design done, but because this tattoo removal method is not widely in practice, you may have trouble finding a tattoo artist to complete the procedure.

Why You Should Choose the Laser Tattoo Removal Method

First and foremost, it is important to remember the FDA has approved laser tattoo removal as the only proven method to successfully get rid of tattoos. Whether you are looking to completely remove a tattoo, or fade old ink for a tattoo cover-up, your best option is the laser.

While these methods may seem like a cost-effective option, you could end up with scarring, or discoloration that will cost more to fix. When you calculate it, you’ll find you’ll save money by contacting EradiTatt as your first course of action in laser tattoo removal.

Don’t take the chance. EradiTatt believes in being transparent with our clients and welcomes the opportunity to answer any of your questions about laser tattoo removal costs, and numbers of sessions.

Contact us today for your free consultation!


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